Kirby’s Featured Showcase
Kirby's architectural accomplishments, including banks, residences, and churches have been universally recognized and published.
Kirby's teaching and his publications are known throughout the world and his students, numbering in the thousands, consider him one of their greatest professors. He pioneered video teaching with 20 videos known as The Design Drawing Videotapes. Kirby was a lecturer at more than 25 universities in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Mexico, as well as conductor of national and international workshops for students, teachers, and professionals.
Kirby's many honors and awards include the Western Mountain Region AIA’s highest award - the Silver Medal, the Inaugural Educator Award from the AIA, and an Historical Landmark designation by the city of Tucson for the home he designed and built for his family.
Drawing Exercise – Kirby
“If you would learn to draw
Hold the instrument often
and hold it with your head.” – Kirby
Select Project Illustrations
Kirby Lockard House
Dove of Peace Lutheran Church
John J Priest Residence
Select Awards and Honors
1969 Regional Award of Merit, Dove of Peace Lutheran Church, Tucson, Arizona, AIA.
1969 The University of Arizona's Creative Teaching Award and "Acknowledged as one of the top teachers of architectural graphics in the United States" and the "Prime influence on generations of young architects in this country."
1976 Third prize at a national urban housing competition in Miami, Florida.
1976 Fellow of the American Institute of Architects.
1989 Silver Medal, Western Mountain Region, American Institute of Architects.
1995 Inaugural Educator Award, AIA.
2020 Historical Landmark designation by the city of Tucson, Kirby Lockard House.
Select Publications
Select Sketches
“CAPLA would not have become the school that it is without your talents and dedication. Whenever any of us alums speak of Kirby it is with sincere and honest fondness, not just because of the fine professional and teacher that you are, but because of the special, caring person that we came to know.”
“I remember not only WHAT you taught, but how you taught - with genuine support, inspiration, example and humor. The ripples in your pond will spread, and continue to spread, well beyond your (and my) lifetime. What a legacy you leave. I am blessed to call you a friend.”
“The true measure of one's greatness and impact in the lives of others is realized, not by the excellence attained while under the mentor's tutelage, but the level to which the teaching and intangible conveyance of love and assurance catapult the recipient into life where they face the challenges that no textbook or lecture can possibly address. Such has been your impact on my life.”
“You have had an incredible effect on my life and many others. Your "tricks of the trade" made our graphical lives as students and adults so much easier.”
“I use the skills you taught me on a daily basis. Clients are still wowed when I sketch in a meeting upside down and in perspective in front of them. This is all attributed lo the master teacher and the devotion you had with all of us. You have been an enormous influence in my professional career.”
“I don't know if I have ever met a person like you, Kirby. And I doubt I ever will. You are so beloved by the people you taught. There is not one person I know, that knows you, that does not think that you are one of the most decent and dedicated human beings they have ever met. I am thankful for the skills, knowledge and kindness that you shared with me.”
“Thank you for your dedication and passion, for always seeing the positive in all of our work and encouraging so many of us and for showing the humility and beauty of a life lead with gentle wisdom.”